al margen de la ley

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al margen de la ley
outside the law
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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The part of something that faces out; the outer surface.

Example: He's repainting the outside of his house.

Definition: The external appearance of someone or something.

Example: Her outside was stern, but inside was a heart of gold.

Definition: The space beyond some limit or boundary.

Example: Viewed from the outside, the building seemed unremarkable.

Definition: The furthest limit, as to number, quantity, extent, etc.

Example: It may last a week at the outside.

Definition: The part of a road towards the central division: towards the right if one drives on the left, or towards the left if one drives on the right.

Example: On a motorway, you should always overtake other vehicles on the outside.

Definition: The side of a curved road, racetrack etc. that has the longer arc length; the side of a racetrack furthest from the interior of the course or some other point of reference.

Example: On the final bend, the second-place car tried to go around the outside of the leader but spun off into the barrier.

Definition: A passenger riding on the outside of a coach or carriage.

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Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Of or pertaining to the outer surface, limit or boundary.

Example: The outside surface looks good.

Definition: Of, pertaining to or originating from beyond the outer surface, limit or boundary.

Definition: Away from the interior or center of something.

Definition: Originating from, arranged by, or being someone outside an organization, group, etc.

Example: The Board did not trust outside information about their rivals.

Definition: Extending or going beyond the borders or scope of an organization, group, etc.

Definition: (of a pitch) Away (far) from the batter as it crosses home plate.

Example: The first pitch is ... just a bit outside.

Definition: Reaching the extreme or farthest limit, as to extent, quantity, etc; maximum.

Example: an outside estimate

Definition: Positioned towards the central division of a road: towards the right-hand side if one drives on the left, or left-hand side if one drives on the right.

Example: the outside lane of the motorway

Definition: (of a person) Not legally married to or related to (e.g. not born in wedlock to), and/or not residing with, a specified other person (parent, child, or partner); (of a marriage, relationship, etc) existing between two such people. (Compare out of wedlock, nonresidential.)

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Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: To or in the outdoors or outside; to or in an area that is beyond the scope, limits or borders of a given place.

Example: I am going outside.

Definition: Outdoors.

Example: I slept outside last night.

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Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: On the outside of, not inside (something, such as a building).

Definition: Beyond the scope, limits or borders of.

Example: tourists from outside the country

Definition: Near, but not in.

Definition: (usually with “of”) Except, apart from.

Example: Outside of winning the lottery, the only way to succeed is through many years of hard work.

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Phonetic: "/ði/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: With a comparative or with more and a verb phrase, establishes a correlation with one or more other such comparatives.

Example: It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.

Definition: With a comparative, and often with for it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated with none. See none the.

Example: I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The body of binding rules and regulations, customs and standards established in a community by its legislative and judicial authorities.

Example: entrapment is against the law

Definition: A binding regulation or custom established in a community in this way.

Example: A new law forbids driving on that road.

Definition: (more generally) A rule, such as:

Definition: The control and order brought about by the observance of such rules.

Example: It was a territory without law, marked by violence.

Definition: A person or group that act(s) with authority to uphold such rules and order (for example, one or more police officers).

Example: Here comes the law — run!

Definition: The profession that deals with such rules (as lawyers, judges, police officers, etc).

Example: He is studying for a career in law.

Definition: Jurisprudence, the field of knowledge which encompasses these rules.

Example: She went to university to study law.

Definition: Litigation, legal action (as a means of maintaining or restoring order, redressing wrongs, etc).

Example: They were quick to go to law.

Definition: An allowance of distance or time (a head start) given to a weaker (human or animal) competitor in a race, to make the race more fair.

Definition: One of two metaphysical forces ruling the world in some fantasy settings, also called order, and opposed to chaos.

Definition: An oath sworn before a court, especially disclaiming a debt. (Chiefly in the phrases "wager of law", "wage one's law", "perform one's law", "lose one's law".)

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To work as a lawyer; to practice law.

Definition: To prosecute or sue (someone), to litigate.

Definition: To rule over (with a certain effect) by law; govern.

Definition: To enforce the law.

Definition: To subject to legal restrictions.

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